Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Eating Disorders: Myths

Myth: Everyone with an eating disorder is underweight.
Truth: Although most people with anorexia are underweight, people suffering from bulimia, binge eating disorder, and EDNOS can be at a normal weight, or even overweight. Also, people with eating disorders usually try and hide their bodies by wearing baggy clothes, or dressing differently. 

Eating Disorders: Body Image and Self-Esteem

Teens are constantly exposed to unrealistic standards in the media such as airbrushed images and very skinny models and may feel pressure to lose weight or look a certain way. Because of these pressures, many teenagers develop bad body image and self-esteem.

Eating Disorders: Healthy Eating

What is healthy eating?
Healthy eating is important for both your mind and body. During the recovery process, working with your dietitian will help you learn normalized eating habits. The goal of healthy eating is to keep your body nourished, energized, and strong.

Eating Disorders: Therapy

Because an eating disorder is both a medical and psychological condition, most people with eating disorders meet with a therapist or counselor as part of treatment. Although you may feel embarrassed about going to therapy, it's important to keep an open mind. Many teens, including those with and without eating disorders, find therapy very helpful.

Eating Disorders: Treatment Options

Treatment for an eating disorder is a very individualized process. Therefore, there are different types of treatments depending on how medically-stable a person is and how much emotional support they need. 

Healthy Mall Food

By: Jason Ladock

When you hang out in malls, you get tempted to have foods available in food courts. But, foods that are available in food courts are rich in fat content. A great number of people resist themselves of having mall food with the fear of having more number of calories that contribute to the problem of obesity. Here are some healthy mall food choices that you can enjoy and at the same time enjoy a perfect health.

The Dangers of Eating Crayfish Raw

By: Kathryn Parry

The concept of eating raw food stuffs has been common in our society more or less everywhere these days. Over the past few years when the nutritionists introduced diet plans, consumption of eating raw food got significantly popular within a short amount of time.

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