Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Eating Disorders: Myths

Myth: Everyone with an eating disorder is underweight.
Truth: Although most people with anorexia are underweight, people suffering from bulimia, binge eating disorder, and EDNOS can be at a normal weight, or even overweight. Also, people with eating disorders usually try and hide their bodies by wearing baggy clothes, or dressing differently. 

Eating Disorders: Body Image and Self-Esteem

Teens are constantly exposed to unrealistic standards in the media such as airbrushed images and very skinny models and may feel pressure to lose weight or look a certain way. Because of these pressures, many teenagers develop bad body image and self-esteem.

Eating Disorders: Healthy Eating

What is healthy eating?
Healthy eating is important for both your mind and body. During the recovery process, working with your dietitian will help you learn normalized eating habits. The goal of healthy eating is to keep your body nourished, energized, and strong.

Eating Disorders: Therapy

Because an eating disorder is both a medical and psychological condition, most people with eating disorders meet with a therapist or counselor as part of treatment. Although you may feel embarrassed about going to therapy, it's important to keep an open mind. Many teens, including those with and without eating disorders, find therapy very helpful.

Eating Disorders: Treatment Options

Treatment for an eating disorder is a very individualized process. Therefore, there are different types of treatments depending on how medically-stable a person is and how much emotional support they need. 

Healthy Mall Food

By: Jason Ladock

When you hang out in malls, you get tempted to have foods available in food courts. But, foods that are available in food courts are rich in fat content. A great number of people resist themselves of having mall food with the fear of having more number of calories that contribute to the problem of obesity. Here are some healthy mall food choices that you can enjoy and at the same time enjoy a perfect health.

The Dangers of Eating Crayfish Raw

By: Kathryn Parry

The concept of eating raw food stuffs has been common in our society more or less everywhere these days. Over the past few years when the nutritionists introduced diet plans, consumption of eating raw food got significantly popular within a short amount of time.

The Risks of Eating Processed Meat

By: Mark Perry

According to the latest surveys it has been concluded that Americans are the top most consumers of the processed meat as they normally like to have hot dogs and etc as a part of their daily routine meal plan. Let me tell you a true and proven fact that consumption of processed meat can induce ailments and disorders which can include heart disease, cancer and diabetes and etc.

How to Purify Water and Remove Fluoride

By: Justin Williamson

Water is highly abundant and in fact makes up the larger proportion of our planet. However unfortunately much of this water is unsafe to drink when discovered naturally, and even when it comes from the taps in the Western world it can still be a good idea to purify it in order to remove minerals, particles of dust and dirt, bacteria, protozoa and fluoride. It is possible to filter many of the impurities in water using any filtration method such as a charcoal filter, however to remove fluoride as well it will be necessary to use an aluminium oxide filter.

How to Keep Produce Fresh With No Refrigeration

By: Mark Perry

We have all found ourselves without a refrigerator at some point or another – whether it's because we've been in a power cut, because we're moving home, because we're camping or due to a technical fault. Whatever the cause though, being unable to refrigerate our food can be a serious challenge when so many of our regular food items are prone to going off and becoming mouldy if they are not attended to.

Harmful Substances in Canned Food

By: Justin Williamson

We all know that a canned meal or a microwaved one is a poor substitute for a real meal that we've cooked from fresh, but do you know why this is the case? There are many reasons that eating a canned meal is not as good, and several harmful substances that make them downright unhealthy for us. 

Flax Seed Uses and Benefits

By: Susan Knowlton

Flax seed is derived from Linseed (Linum Usitatissimum) and is sourced from a blue flowering plant from the Linaceae family that is only prevalent in the Mediterranean area and India. The attributes of this miracle plant were adopted by our forefathers for its valuable oil (which is used to moisturize skin, leather and for medicinal purposes).

Monday, September 2, 2013

Pros and Cons of Processed Foods

By: George Cranston

Processed foods are foods that are prepared through physical or chemical treatments which result in the food being significantly different from its original state. A processed food then might be a sausage made from a mixture of meats, or a canned meal that has had added salts and other substances in order to help give it longevity. 

Freeze Drying Food

By: Adam Sinicki

Freeze drying food is a process of preserving food and making it lighter and more convenient for a range of purposes from emergency survival food, to food for astronauts. If you are thinking of going hiking or if you are worried about disaster scenarios, then having some freeze dried food around is a good gambit.

Seafood Buying Tips

By: Adam Sinicki
Buying seafood is a great option for your dinner. It's quick and relatively easy to prepare, it's different and highly tasty, and most importantly it's incredibly healthy as a very lean source of protein that also is rich in amino acids, vitamins and healthy oils.

The Dangers of Undercooked Chicken

By: George Cranston

Chicken is a great source of protein that’s highly bioavailable but also lean and low in fat. If you’re training for an athletic or sporting event, or if you’re trying to build lean muscle, then there are few better meals than lean chicken. At the same time it’s also delicious and very quick and cheap to prepare when compared to other meats like pork or beef. 

The Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

By: Juliette Siegfried

What's that you say? Chocolate, mentioned in an article on a health-conscious website, and touted as if it has actual benefits for one's health? Surely the Millennium is upon us. 

The Dangers of Diet Soda

By: Laurel Avery
The ads for soda with "zero calories" are very tempting. The only other beverage that can boast that desirable feature is water, and while it may be good for hydration, it’s far more tempting to the taste buds to grab a can of diet soda. 

Arsenic in Food

By: Adam Sinicki
To most of us, arsenic is the de facto poison. If we want to joke that we’re going to top ourselves (I think I need to reassess my life somewhat) then normally we’ll say we’re going to take some arsenic – simply because it’s so well known for being a highly toxic substance with potentially lethal reactions.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Eating Disorders: Preparing for an Eating Disorder Evaluation

Teens with eating disorder behaviors or symptoms may be referred to an eating disorder program by their pediatrician, family doctor, or nurse practitioner. While no two programs are exactly the same, outpatient programs usually do a complete evaluation and provide treatment for teens with eating disorders and support for family members.

Eating Disorders: What Happens When I Don't Eat?

What happens when I don't eat?
Your body uses food as fuel to keep all the important organs and cells in your body running well. When you don't eat, your body doesn't get the fuel it needs and your organs and body parts can suffer.

Eating Disorders: Health Consequences

Anorexia Nervosa
Symptoms of anorexia can be hard to notice because people with this condition can be very good at hiding their eating disorder behaviors. They may take small bites, organize their food, or "pick" at food when they eat. They often avoid eating around others to hide their behavior or because it causes anxiety.

Eating Disorders:Warning Signs and Symptoms

You can't tell whether a person is struggling with an eating disordered just by looking at her, but there are often warning signs. Warning signs or "red flags" might suggest that a young person may develop or already has an eating disorder.

Eating Disorders:Causes and Risk Factors

There are many theories about what causes eating disorders and for each person the reason can be different. However, most eating disorders are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors and sometimes the cause may not be completely clear.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders affect millions of teens and young adults around the world. They're most common in cultures that focus on weight and body image and can affect people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. 

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